6V 300RPM Metal Geared DC Motor with Encoder - DFRobot
It,metal gear DC motor with encoderdir. 20: 1 with metal gearbox6V 300RPM DC Motorand an integrated on the motor shaft providing a resolution of 11 counts per revolutionencoderIt corresponds to 224.4 counts in 1 revolution of the output shaft of the gearbox.
This motor is equipped with an 8 mm long, 4 mm diameter D-shaped output shaft. This motor is designed for use at 6V, but the motor can start spinning at voltages as low as 1V. This motor is an ideal option for your mobile robot project.
6V 300RPM Encoder Metal Geared DC Motor Features
- Motor Voltage: 6V
- Encoder Voltage: 3.3 / 5V
- Reducer Reduction Ratio: 1: 20
- Load Speed: 0.1A at 300RPM
- Maximum Yield Point: Load 0.7Kg cm / 245RPM / 1.2W / 0.4A
- Maximum power point: Load 1.8Kgcm / 160RPM / 2W / 0.8A
- Stopping Torque: 3.6kg cm
- Stop Current: 3.7A
- Hall Resolution: Hall Resolution 11 x Fine Reduction Ratio 20.4 = 224.4 Counts Per Turn
- Size: 54 * Ø24.4 mm
- Weight: 96g
6V 300RPM Metal Geared DC Motor with Encoder
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6V 300RPM Metal Geared DC Motor with Encoder - DFRobot
It,metal gear DC motor with encoderdir. 20: 1 with metal gearbox6V 300RPM DC Motorand an integrated on the motor shaft providing a resolution of 11 counts per revolutionencoderIt corresponds to 224.4 counts in 1 revolution of the output shaft of the gearbox.
This motor is equipped with an 8 mm long, 4 mm diameter D-shaped output shaft. This motor is designed for use at 6V, but the motor can start spinning at voltages as low as 1V. This motor is an ideal option for your mobile robot project.
6V 300RPM Encoder Metal Geared DC Motor Features
- Motor Voltage: 6V
- Encoder Voltage: 3.3 / 5V
- Reducer Reduction Ratio: 1: 20
- Load Speed: 0.1A at 300RPM
- Maximum Yield Point: Load 0.7Kg cm / 245RPM / 1.2W / 0.4A
- Maximum power point: Load 1.8Kgcm / 160RPM / 2W / 0.8A
- Stopping Torque: 3.6kg cm
- Stop Current: 3.7A
- Hall Resolution: Hall Resolution 11 x Fine Reduction Ratio 20.4 = 224.4 Counts Per Turn
- Size: 54 * Ø24.4 mm
- Weight: 96g