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MCP23017 Serial Interface Module I2C SPI Bi-Directional 16-Bit I / O Extender 10Mhz

You can use both I2C and SPI protocols with the MCP23017 Serial Interface Module. This module provides the 16 Bit IO pin to the user. MCP23017, which you can operate with SPI up to 10 Mhz and protocol speeds of 100, 400 1700 Khz, has 3 Hardware Addressing Pins and allows connection up to 8 devices.

MCP23017 Serial Interface Module I2C SPI Bi-Directional 16-Bit I / O Extender 10Mhz Specifications

  • Low idle current: 1uA
  • External Reset Input
  • Adjustable Interrupt Output Pins
  • Working Voltage: 1.8- 5.5V
  • Dimensions: 26.5mm x 21mm

" ["DOCUMENT_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["WARRANTY_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["DELIVERY_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["WAREHOUSE"]=> string(0) "" ["DELIVERY_DAY"]=> string(0) "" ["IS_VIDEO_ACTIVE"]=> string(1) "0" ["NOTES"]=> string(0) "" ["TAGS"]=> array(0) { } ["IS_ORDER_NOTE_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["IS_CASH_POINT_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS1"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS2"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS3"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS1_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS2_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS3_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["IS_POPUP_PHOTO_ACTIVE"]=> string(1) "1" ["MIN_ORDER_COUNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["DISPLAY_GAIN"]=> bool(false) }

MCP23017 Serial Interface Module I2C SPI Bi-Directional 16-Bit I / O Extender

Marka/Menşei: AITEXM ROBOT
Stok Kodu : 14482

117.88 TL + KDV
141.46 TL KDV Dahil
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  • MCP23017 Serial Interface Module I2C SPI Bi-Directional 16-Bit I / O Extender 10Mhz

    You can use both I2C and SPI protocols with the MCP23017 Serial Interface Module. This module provides the 16 Bit IO pin to the user. MCP23017, which you can operate with SPI up to 10 Mhz and protocol speeds of 100, 400 1700 Khz, has 3 Hardware Addressing Pins and allows connection up to 8 devices.

    MCP23017 Serial Interface Module I2C SPI Bi-Directional 16-Bit I / O Extender 10Mhz Specifications

    • Low idle current: 1uA
    • External Reset Input
    • Adjustable Interrupt Output Pins
    • Working Voltage: 1.8- 5.5V
    • Dimensions: 26.5mm x 21mm

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