MCP79410-I / SN SMD SOIC-8 - Timing Integration
MCP79410-I / SNIt is in the category of timing integration in the SOIC-8 case, and it is an integrated that can be used from real time clock circuits. This timing IC, which has an operating voltage between 1.8V - 5.5V Volts, has a 64B memory size.
In order to see the functions and functions of MCP79410-I / SN in more detail, please check the datasheet file of this IC.
MCP79410-I / SN SMD SOIC-8 - Timing Integration Features
Name of the product | MCP79410-I / SN |
Product Category | Timing |
Package Type | SOIC-8 |
Number of Pin | 8 |
Input Voltage | 1.8V - 5.5V |
Interface Type | I2C, 2-Wire Serial |
- MCP79410-I / SNThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:MCP79410-I / SN Datasheet
MCP79410-I / SN SMD SOIC-8 - Timing Integration

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MCP79410-I / SN SMD SOIC-8 - Timing Integration
MCP79410-I / SNIt is in the category of timing integration in the SOIC-8 case, and it is an integrated that can be used from real time clock circuits. This timing IC, which has an operating voltage between 1.8V - 5.5V Volts, has a 64B memory size.
In order to see the functions and functions of MCP79410-I / SN in more detail, please check the datasheet file of this IC.
MCP79410-I / SN SMD SOIC-8 - Timing Integration Features
Name of the product MCP79410-I / SN Product Category Timing Package Type SOIC-8 Number of Pin 8 Input Voltage 1.8V - 5.5V Interface Type I2C, 2-Wire Serial Documents
- MCP79410-I / SNThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:MCP79410-I / SN Datasheet