PIC 12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontroller
Microchip PIC 12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontrollerproduct is in SOIC-8 sheath and is 8-bit valued working with 32MHz frequencyTypes of MicrocontrollersIt is from. 6 of the 8 pins on it are I / O, ie Input Output pins.
These microcontrollers, whose memory type is FLASH, operate between 2.3V and 5.5V supply range, and temperatures between -40 C ° and 80 C °.
To see the functions and functions of PIC12F1571 I / SN microcontroller in more detail, be sure to review the datasheet of this product.
PIC12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontroller Features
Product | PIC12F1571-I / SN |
Integrated Type | Microcontroller |
Processor Family | BASTARD |
Mounting Type | SMT |
Pack / Box | SOIC8 / 3.90mm |
Memory Type | FLASH |
Number of Bits | 8-Bit |
Speed | 32Mhz |
Program Memory Size | 1.75KB (1K x 14) |
RAM Size | 128 Bytes |
EEPROM Size | NO |
Number of I / O | 6 |
Supply voltage | 2.3V ~ 5.5V |
Operating temperature | -40 ° C ~ + 80 ° C |
Rohs | ROHS |
Length | 4,9mm |
Width | 3.9mm |
- PIC12F1571 I / SN DatasheetCheck the file.
Useful Links
- Pic12 Series SmdYou can review our products.
- Microchip Pic MicrocontrollerYou can review our products.
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PIC12F1571 I / SN SMD SOIC-8 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontroller
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PIC 12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontroller
Microchip PIC 12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontrollerproduct is in SOIC-8 sheath and is 8-bit valued working with 32MHz frequencyTypes of MicrocontrollersIt is from. 6 of the 8 pins on it are I / O, ie Input Output pins.
These microcontrollers, whose memory type is FLASH, operate between 2.3V and 5.5V supply range, and temperatures between -40 C ° and 80 C °.
To see the functions and functions of PIC12F1571 I / SN microcontroller in more detail, be sure to review the datasheet of this product.
PIC12F1571 I / SN SMD 8-Bit 32MHz Microcontroller Features
Product PIC12F1571-I / SN Integrated Type Microcontroller Processor Family BASTARD Mounting Type SMT Pack / Box SOIC8 / 3.90mm Memory Type FLASH Number of Bits 8-Bit Speed 32Mhz Program Memory Size 1.75KB (1K x 14) RAM Size 128 Bytes EEPROM Size NO Number of I / O 6 Supply voltage 2.3V ~ 5.5V Operating temperature -40 ° C ~ + 80 ° C Rohs ROHS Length 4,9mm Width 3.9mm Documents
- PIC12F1571 I / SN DatasheetCheck the file.
Useful Links
- Pic12 Series SmdYou can review our products.
- Microchip Pic MicrocontrollerYou can review our products.