TC4429 DIP-8 Mosfet Driver Integration
TC4429 Mosfet Driver ICIt is in the DIP-8 sheath and is an integrated in the category of Power Control Integrations. The TC4429 Mosfet Driver IC offers a voltage between 4.5 - 18V and an output current up to 1.5A. TC4429 is a Mosfet Driver integration suitable for Low Side type applications. Input delay of TC4429 integration 55ns and output delay is 55ns.
To see the functions and functions of the TC4429 Mosfet Driver integration in more detail, you must definitely check the datasheet file of this IC.
TC4429 DIP-8 Mosfet Driver Integration Features
Name of the product | TC4429 |
Product Category | Power Control Integrations |
Product Sub-Category | Mosfet Driver Integration |
Package Type | DIP-8 |
Number of Pin | 8 |
Supply voltage | 4.5 - 18 V |
Output Current | 1.5 |
- TC4429 Mosfet DriveThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TC4429 Datasheet
TC4429 DIP-8 Mosfet Driver Integration
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TC4429 DIP-8 Mosfet Driver Integration
TC4429 Mosfet Driver ICIt is in the DIP-8 sheath and is an integrated in the category of Power Control Integrations. The TC4429 Mosfet Driver IC offers a voltage between 4.5 - 18V and an output current up to 1.5A. TC4429 is a Mosfet Driver integration suitable for Low Side type applications. Input delay of TC4429 integration 55ns and output delay is 55ns.
To see the functions and functions of the TC4429 Mosfet Driver integration in more detail, you must definitely check the datasheet file of this IC.
TC4429 DIP-8 Mosfet Driver Integration Features
Name of the product TC4429 Product Category Power Control Integrations Product Sub-Category Mosfet Driver Integration Package Type DIP-8 Number of Pin 8 Supply voltage 4.5 - 18 V Output Current 1.5 Documents
- TC4429 Mosfet DriveThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TC4429 Datasheet