W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay + Transparent Product Box
W1209 Digital Thermostat Controlled Relayensures that the relay is on or off according to the temperature you specify. With its waterproof and durable temperature sensor, you can use it in projects that need to work in harsh conditions such as aquariums, hatcheries, refrigerator thermostats and chick growth cages. You can see the usage method below. The temperature value read by the sensor may vary depending on the humidity. That's why we recommend you calibrate for exact measurement.
W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay Technical Specifications
- Temperature Range: -50/110 ° C
- Dimensions: 48.5 * 40mm
- Temperature Control mode: ON / OFF
- Stability: Since the temperature is 0.1 ° C, the stability is -9.9 / 99.9, 1 ° C at other temperatures.
- Control Precision: 0.1 ° C
- Delay Sensitivity: 0.1 ° C
- Refresh time: 0.5S
- Temperature protection: 0-110 ° C
- Working Voltage: DC 12V
- Static current: ≤ 35MA, in current draw ≤ 65MA
- Output voltage: DC 12V
- Output power: 20A relay
- Measuring instrument: NTC (10K 0.5%) waterproof probe
- Environmental requirement: -10 / 60 ° C, Humidity 20% -85%
- Probe Length: 30cm
W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay Usage:
Once you press the Set button, the screen will start to flash. You can adjust the temperature of the relay by pressing the + and - buttons if you want it to open its contacts.
Long press on the set button will enter the main menu. You can switch between P0-P6 menus with + and - buttons. You have to press the set button once to enter the menu you want. After entering the menu, you must use the +/- buttons to adjust the value. You can return after waiting for a while or by pressing set or exit the menu by long pressing. The functions of the P0-P6 menus are as follows:
- P0: Cooling / Heating; Range: C / H; Default: C
- P1: delay setting; Range: 0.1-15; Default: 2
- P2: the highest temperature; Range: 110 ° C; Default: 110
- P3: lowest temperature; Range: -50 ° C; Default: -50
- P4: Temperature Correction (calibration); Range: -7 / 7 ° C; Default: 0 ° C
- P5: delay start time; Range: 0-10 MIN; Default: 0
- P6: Key Tone Switch; Range: 0-110; Default: Off
Örnek ayar: Set butonuna uzun bastığımızda ekranda P0 yazar. "+" butonuna 6 kere bastığımızda P6 yazar ve set'e basarak P6 menüsüne gireriz. Default ayarı 110 olduğundan ekranda 110 yazar. "-" butonuyla değeri 40'a düşürüp set'e uzun basarak ayarı yapmış oluruz. Böylece sıcaklık 40 dereceye ulaştığında buzzer ötmeye başlayacaktır.
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W1209 Digital Thermostat + Transparent Box
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W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay + Transparent Product Box
W1209 Digital Thermostat Controlled Relayensures that the relay is on or off according to the temperature you specify. With its waterproof and durable temperature sensor, you can use it in projects that need to work in harsh conditions such as aquariums, hatcheries, refrigerator thermostats and chick growth cages. You can see the usage method below. The temperature value read by the sensor may vary depending on the humidity. That's why we recommend you calibrate for exact measurement.
W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay Technical Specifications
- Temperature Range: -50/110 ° C
- Dimensions: 48.5 * 40mm
- Temperature Control mode: ON / OFF
- Stability: Since the temperature is 0.1 ° C, the stability is -9.9 / 99.9, 1 ° C at other temperatures.
- Control Precision: 0.1 ° C
- Delay Sensitivity: 0.1 ° C
- Refresh time: 0.5S
- Temperature protection: 0-110 ° C
- Working Voltage: DC 12V
- Static current: ≤ 35MA, in current draw ≤ 65MA
- Output voltage: DC 12V
- Output power: 20A relay
- Measuring instrument: NTC (10K 0.5%) waterproof probe
- Environmental requirement: -10 / 60 ° C, Humidity 20% -85%
- Probe Length: 30cm
W1209 Digital Thermostat Relay Usage:
Once you press the Set button, the screen will start to flash. You can adjust the temperature of the relay by pressing the + and - buttons if you want it to open its contacts.
Long press on the set button will enter the main menu. You can switch between P0-P6 menus with + and - buttons. You have to press the set button once to enter the menu you want. After entering the menu, you must use the +/- buttons to adjust the value. You can return after waiting for a while or by pressing set or exit the menu by long pressing. The functions of the P0-P6 menus are as follows:
- P0: Cooling / Heating; Range: C / H; Default: C
- P1: delay setting; Range: 0.1-15; Default: 2
- P2: the highest temperature; Range: 110 ° C; Default: 110
- P3: lowest temperature; Range: -50 ° C; Default: -50
- P4: Temperature Correction (calibration); Range: -7 / 7 ° C; Default: 0 ° C
- P5: delay start time; Range: 0-10 MIN; Default: 0
- P6: Key Tone Switch; Range: 0-110; Default: Off
Örnek ayar: Set butonuna uzun bastığımızda ekranda P0 yazar. "+" butonuna 6 kere bastığımızda P6 yazar ve set'e basarak P6 menüsüne gireriz. Default ayarı 110 olduğundan ekranda 110 yazar. "-" butonuyla değeri 40'a düşürüp set'e uzun basarak ayarı yapmış oluruz. Böylece sıcaklık 40 dereceye ulaştığında buzzer ötmeye başlayacaktır.
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- Humidity and Temperature Sensor TypesYou can examine.
- You askYou can review the products.