Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor (CO2) - DFRobot
This sensor isArduinofirst made forCarbon dioxide sensordür. Bu sensör DFRobotun geliştirdiği "Gravity" arayüzünü kullanmaktadır. Modülün çıkış voltajı CO2decreases with increasing concentration. It is possible to adjust the voltage threshold with the potentiometer on it and use the sensor as an alarm. Any CO2 value that exceeds the voltage rating you set the potentiometer to send the sensor a digital (On / Off) signal.
The MG-811 sensor on it offers better measurements compared to other sensors with its CO2 indexed sensitivity rather than various factors such as alcohol, relative humidity, carbon monoxide and temperature.
The built-in heating circuit brings the best temperature for the sensor to work. It works with an internal power 6V supply, which provides the best performance for the heating sensor.
Bu sensörün kulanım kolaylığını arttırmak için DFRobotun senrörlerinde kullandığı "Gravity" arayüzü entegre edilmiştir. Böylece uyumlu sensör genişletme kartları ile tek yapmanız gereken takıp çalıştırmaktır.
Since this sensor is an electrochemical CO2 sensor, it is perfect for those who want to make qualitative analysis.
Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor (CO2) Features
- Working Voltage: 5V
- Arayüz: "Gravity" Analog
- Digital output (for potentiometer adjustable CO2 limit control)
- Internal heating circuit
- Size: 32x42mm
- Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Sensor (CO2) DatasheetCheck the file.
Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor (CO2)
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Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor (CO2) - DFRobot
This sensor isArduinofirst made forCarbon dioxide sensordür. Bu sensör DFRobotun geliştirdiği "Gravity" arayüzünü kullanmaktadır. Modülün çıkış voltajı CO2decreases with increasing concentration. It is possible to adjust the voltage threshold with the potentiometer on it and use the sensor as an alarm. Any CO2 value that exceeds the voltage rating you set the potentiometer to send the sensor a digital (On / Off) signal.
The MG-811 sensor on it offers better measurements compared to other sensors with its CO2 indexed sensitivity rather than various factors such as alcohol, relative humidity, carbon monoxide and temperature.
The built-in heating circuit brings the best temperature for the sensor to work. It works with an internal power 6V supply, which provides the best performance for the heating sensor.
Bu sensörün kulanım kolaylığını arttırmak için DFRobotun senrörlerinde kullandığı "Gravity" arayüzü entegre edilmiştir. Böylece uyumlu sensör genişletme kartları ile tek yapmanız gereken takıp çalıştırmaktır.
Since this sensor is an electrochemical CO2 sensor, it is perfect for those who want to make qualitative analysis.
Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor (CO2) Features
- Working Voltage: 5V
- Arayüz: "Gravity" Analog
- Digital output (for potentiometer adjustable CO2 limit control)
- Internal heating circuit
- Size: 32x42mm
- Gravity Arduino Analog Carbon Dioxide Sensor (CO2) DatasheetCheck the file.