Silicone MEMS Microphone Breakout Board - SPW2430 / Adafruit
Just like 'classic'electret microphoneslike,MEMS microphonecan detect sound and convert it into voltagebut it doesn't need bias resistor or amplifier, all in one! The SPW2430 is a small, low cost range of 100Hz to 10KHz.MEMS microphonestop and generalvoice recordandsound detectionsuitable for.
This board is best used for projects such as voice changers, audio recording / sampling, and voice response projects using FFT. To keep the breakout small and simple, only 3V voltage regulator (microphone requires 3.3V DC) and filter capacitors have been added.
It does not include extra opamps, the output peak-to-peak voltage has a 0.67V DC bias and about 100mVpp when talking near the microphone, making it a good product to connect to something awaiting 'line level' input without clipping.
If there is very loud noise it can be as loud as peak-to-peak 1Vpp.
Kullanımı basittir: GND'yi toprak, Vin'yi 3.3-5VDC'ye bağlayın. En iyi performans için, mevcut "en sessiz" kaynağı kullanın (bir Arduino'da, bu 3.3V kaynağı olacaktır).
The audio waveform will come out from the DC pin. There may be a bit of drift when what you want to read is perfectly quiet as the output will have a DC bias of 0.67V. If the audio equipment you use requires AC-connected audio, you can strip the signal out of the AC pin with a 10uF capacitor in series.
The output pin is not designed to use speakers or the smallest in-ear headphones - if you want to connect the amplifier directly to the speakers, you will need an audio amplifier. If you're connecting to a microcontroller pin, you don't need an amplifier or splitter capacitor - connect the DC pin directly to the microcontroller ADC pin.
SPW2430 Technical Specifications
- Weight: 0.9g
- Product Dimensions: 15.8mm x 14.1mm x 2.9mm
- EagleCAD PCB FilesCheck the Github page for.
- Adafruit Fritzing LibraryCheck the Github page for.
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Silicone MEMS Microphone Breakout Board - SPW2430
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Silicone MEMS Microphone Breakout Board - SPW2430 / Adafruit
Just like 'classic'electret microphoneslike,MEMS microphonecan detect sound and convert it into voltagebut it doesn't need bias resistor or amplifier, all in one! The SPW2430 is a small, low cost range of 100Hz to 10KHz.MEMS microphonestop and generalvoice recordandsound detectionsuitable for.
This board is best used for projects such as voice changers, audio recording / sampling, and voice response projects using FFT. To keep the breakout small and simple, only 3V voltage regulator (microphone requires 3.3V DC) and filter capacitors have been added.
It does not include extra opamps, the output peak-to-peak voltage has a 0.67V DC bias and about 100mVpp when talking near the microphone, making it a good product to connect to something awaiting 'line level' input without clipping.
If there is very loud noise it can be as loud as peak-to-peak 1Vpp.
Kullanımı basittir: GND'yi toprak, Vin'yi 3.3-5VDC'ye bağlayın. En iyi performans için, mevcut "en sessiz" kaynağı kullanın (bir Arduino'da, bu 3.3V kaynağı olacaktır).
The audio waveform will come out from the DC pin. There may be a bit of drift when what you want to read is perfectly quiet as the output will have a DC bias of 0.67V. If the audio equipment you use requires AC-connected audio, you can strip the signal out of the AC pin with a 10uF capacitor in series.
The output pin is not designed to use speakers or the smallest in-ear headphones - if you want to connect the amplifier directly to the speakers, you will need an audio amplifier. If you're connecting to a microcontroller pin, you don't need an amplifier or splitter capacitor - connect the DC pin directly to the microcontroller ADC pin.
SPW2430 Technical Specifications
- Weight: 0.9g
- Product Dimensions: 15.8mm x 14.1mm x 2.9mm
- EagleCAD PCB FilesCheck the Github page for.
- Adafruit Fritzing LibraryCheck the Github page for.
Useful Links
- Arduino Module TypesYou can examine.