TNY268 DIP-8B AC - DC Converter Integration
TNY268 AC - DC Converter integratedDIP-8B is in the category of Power Control Integrations in the sheath and its basic function is an integrated that allows you to get direct current output from alternating current. TNY268 AC - DC Converter works with its integrated 85 - 265V AC input range.
In order to see the functions and functions of TNY268 AC - DC Converter integration in more detail, please check the datasheet file of this IC.
TNY268 DIP-8B AC - DC Converter Integration Features
Name of the product | TNY268 |
Product Category | Power Control Integrations |
Product Sub-Category | AC - DC Converter Integration |
Package Type | DIP-8B |
Number of Pin | 7 |
AC Input Range | 85 - 265 |
Output Power | - |
- TNY268 AC - DC ConverterThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TNY268 Datasheet
TNY268 DIP-8B AC - DC Converter Integration

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TNY268 DIP-8B AC - DC Converter Integration
TNY268 AC - DC Converter integratedDIP-8B is in the category of Power Control Integrations in the sheath and its basic function is an integrated that allows you to get direct current output from alternating current. TNY268 AC - DC Converter works with its integrated 85 - 265V AC input range.
In order to see the functions and functions of TNY268 AC - DC Converter integration in more detail, please check the datasheet file of this IC.
TNY268 DIP-8B AC - DC Converter Integration Features
Name of the product TNY268 Product Category Power Control Integrations Product Sub-Category AC - DC Converter Integration Package Type DIP-8B Number of Pin 7 AC Input Range 85 - 265 Output Power - Documents
- TNY268 AC - DC ConverterThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TNY268 Datasheet