TNY274GN SOIC-8C AC - DC Converter Integration
TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integratedSOIC-8C is in the category of Power Control Integrated in the sheath and its basic function is an integrated that allows you to get direct current output from alternating current. With the TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integrated, it is possible to get 8.5W output power in the 85 - 265V AC input range.
In order to see the functions and functions of TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integration in more detail, please definitely check the datasheet file of this IC.
TNY274GN SOIC-8C AC - DC Converter Integration Features
Name of the product | TNY274GN |
Product Category | Power Control Integrations |
Product Sub-Category | AC - DC Converter Integration |
Package Type | SOIC-8C |
Number of Pin | 7 |
AC Input Range | 85 - 265 |
Output Power | 8.5W |
- TNY274GN AC - DC ConverterThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TNY274GN Datasheet
TNY274GN SOIC-8C SMD AC - DC Converter Integration
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TNY274GN SOIC-8C AC - DC Converter Integration
TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integratedSOIC-8C is in the category of Power Control Integrated in the sheath and its basic function is an integrated that allows you to get direct current output from alternating current. With the TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integrated, it is possible to get 8.5W output power in the 85 - 265V AC input range.
In order to see the functions and functions of TNY274GN AC - DC Converter integration in more detail, please definitely check the datasheet file of this IC.
TNY274GN SOIC-8C AC - DC Converter Integration Features
Name of the product TNY274GN Product Category Power Control Integrations Product Sub-Category AC - DC Converter Integration Package Type SOIC-8C Number of Pin 7 AC Input Range 85 - 265 Output Power 8.5W Documents
- TNY274GN AC - DC ConverterThe datasheet of the integrated circuit can be viewed at this link:TNY274GN Datasheet