Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Hc-Sr04 ultrasonic distance sensorMost popular among Arduino developersdistance sensorStop. This sensor, which can measure distances up to 4 meters, works with 5V. This sensor, which draws 15mA current, works with the principle of measuring the distance by measuring the duration of the sound waves. You can easily use this sensor in your distance measurement projects with its affordable price and high accuracy rate.
Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Technical Specifications
- Working Voltage: DC 5V
- Current Drawn: 15 mA
- Operating Frequency: 40 kHz
- Maximum Sight Range: 4m
- Minimum Sight Range: 2cm
- Viewing Angle: 15 °
- Trigger Leg Input Signal: 10us TTL Pulse
- Echo Output Signal: Input TTL signal and Distance Ratio
- Dimensions: 45mm x 20mm x 15mm
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HC-SR04 Arduino Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
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Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Hc-Sr04 ultrasonic distance sensorMost popular among Arduino developersdistance sensorStop. This sensor, which can measure distances up to 4 meters, works with 5V. This sensor, which draws 15mA current, works with the principle of measuring the distance by measuring the duration of the sound waves. You can easily use this sensor in your distance measurement projects with its affordable price and high accuracy rate.
Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Technical Specifications
- Working Voltage: DC 5V
- Current Drawn: 15 mA
- Operating Frequency: 40 kHz
- Maximum Sight Range: 4m
- Minimum Sight Range: 2cm
- Viewing Angle: 15 °
- Trigger Leg Input Signal: 10us TTL Pulse
- Echo Output Signal: Input TTL signal and Distance Ratio
- Dimensions: 45mm x 20mm x 15mm
Useful Links
- Ultrasonic sensorsYou can examine.