LV-EZ4 Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor - Adafruit
LV-EZ4 Maxbotix Ultrasonic Rangefinder - Ultrasonic Distance MeterDespite its very small size, adistance meterdir. It detects objects at distances between 0 - 6.45m and gives 2.54cm sensitivity sonar information about them. Interface output formats are PWM, analog voltage, and digital serial output (9600 baud).
Sharp IR sensor is a good sensor that can be preferred when it is not sufficient.
Most applications may require less sensitivity and a narrower sound beam than the LV MaxSonar EZ1. For this reason, MaxBotix has also developed products named EZ2, EZ3, & EZ4 whose sound beams range from widest to narrowest. In this way, you can choose the beam angles that your application requires.
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Sample ProjectYou can examine it.
- LV-EZ4 Datasheet - PDF FileExamine.
Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Meter - LV-EZ4
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LV-EZ4 Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor - Adafruit
LV-EZ4 Maxbotix Ultrasonic Rangefinder - Ultrasonic Distance MeterDespite its very small size, adistance meterdir. It detects objects at distances between 0 - 6.45m and gives 2.54cm sensitivity sonar information about them. Interface output formats are PWM, analog voltage, and digital serial output (9600 baud).
Sharp IR sensor is a good sensor that can be preferred when it is not sufficient.
Most applications may require less sensitivity and a narrower sound beam than the LV MaxSonar EZ1. For this reason, MaxBotix has also developed products named EZ2, EZ3, & EZ4 whose sound beams range from widest to narrowest. In this way, you can choose the beam angles that your application requires.
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Sample ProjectYou can examine it.
- LV-EZ4 Datasheet - PDF FileExamine.