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"Medical Sensors" ["CATEGORY_PATH"]=> string(20) "Sensors & Modules > " ["FILTER_CATEGORY_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["URL"]=> string(21) "parmak-izi-okuyucu-en" ["MODEL_URL"]=> string(0) "" ["IN_STOCK"]=> bool(true) ["IS_DISPLAY_PRODUCT"]=> string(1) "0" ["VARIANT_NAME"]=> string(0) "" ["VARIANT_FEATURE1_TITLE"]=> string(0) "" ["VARIANT_FEATURE2_TITLE"]=> string(0) "" ["SHOW_VENDOR"]=> string(1) "0" ["SHOW_PROMOTION"]=> string(1) "0" ["ACTIVE_ON_GROUPS"]=> string(44) "-0--3--4--12--14--22--29--17--26--15--23--5-" ["IS_MULTIPLE_DISCOUNT_ACTIVE"]=> int(0) ["COMMENT_RANK"]=> string(2) "92" ["COMMENT_COUNT"]=> int(10) ["S1"]=> string(1) "0" ["SYMBOL_DATA1"]=> string(127) "" ["SYMBOL_TAG1"]=> string(15) "Ücretsiz Kargo" ["S2"]=> string(1) "0" ["SYMBOL_DATA2"]=> string(129) "" ["SYMBOL_TAG2"]=> string(14) "Stoktan Teslim" ["S3"]=> string(1) "0" ["SYMBOL_DATA3"]=> string(130) "" ["SYMBOL_TAG3"]=> string(18) "Kampanyalı Ürün" ["S4"]=> string(1) "0" ["SYMBOL_DATA4"]=> string(128) "" 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array(3) { [0]=> array(8) { ["ID"]=> string(5) "55285" ["SMALL"]=> string(85) "" ["MEDIUM"]=> string(85) "" ["BIG"]=> string(85) "" ["TITLE"]=> string(58) "FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Arduino Compatible" ["VARIANT_IDS"]=> array(0) { } ["VARIANT_TYPE_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["MEDIUM_WEBP_JPG"]=> NULL } [1]=> array(8) { ["ID"]=> string(5) "55286" ["SMALL"]=> string(85) "" ["MEDIUM"]=> string(85) "" ["BIG"]=> string(85) "" ["TITLE"]=> string(58) "FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Arduino Compatible" ["VARIANT_IDS"]=> array(0) { } ["VARIANT_TYPE_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["MEDIUM_WEBP_JPG"]=> NULL } [2]=> array(8) { ["ID"]=> string(5) "37244" ["SMALL"]=> string(85) "" ["MEDIUM"]=> string(85) "" ["BIG"]=> string(85) "" ["TITLE"]=> string(58) "FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Arduino Compatible" ["VARIANT_IDS"]=> array(0) { } ["VARIANT_TYPE_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["MEDIUM_WEBP_JPG"]=> NULL } } ["IMAGE"]=> array(8) { ["ID"]=> string(5) "55285" ["SMALL"]=> string(85) "" ["MEDIUM"]=> string(85) "" ["BIG"]=> string(85) "" ["TITLE"]=> string(58) "FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Arduino Compatible" ["VARIANT_IDS"]=> array(0) { } ["VARIANT_TYPE_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["MEDIUM_WEBP_JPG"]=> NULL } ["IMAGE_COUNT"]=> int(3) ["IMAGE_RATIO"]=> float(1) ["PRICE_CREDIT_CART"]=> float(1028.15999999) ["PRICE_MONEY_ORDER"]=> float(1028.15999999) ["MONEY_ORDER_PERCENT"]=> int(0) ["IS_MONEY_ORDER_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["CURRENCY"]=> string(3) "USD" ["TARGET_CURRENCY"]=> string(2) "TL" ["PRICE_SELL_DEFAULT"]=> float(1028.15999999) ["PRICE_RAW"]=> float(28) ["TARGET_CURRENCY_ORIGINAL"]=> string(2) "TL" ["COMBINATION_ID"]=> int(0) ["NEWEST_SORT"]=> int(0) ["HAS_MAGNIFIER"]=> string(1) "0" ["SUPPLIER_ID"]=> string(2) "19" ["GENDER"]=> string(1) "0" ["MULTIPLE_DISCOUNT"]=> array(0) { } ["PERSONALIZATION_ID"]=> int(0) ["IS_PERSONALIZATION_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["CAN_ADD_CART_IN_LIST"]=> bool(false) ["DETAIL"]=> string(1929) "

Fingerprint Reader Module - FPM10A - Arduino

FPM10AYou can make fingerprint detection and authentication very easy with. It is generally used in safes and door lock systems. It has high power DSP chip that performs image rendering, computation, feature finding and searching. You can connect it to any micro controller or system with TTL serial connection. You can also register the new fingerprint directly. Up to 200 fingerprints can be stored in the FLASH memory on it. There is a red LED that lights up during reading, it can be checked whether it works or not.

FPM10A Technical Specifications

  • Supply voltage: DC 3.6 ~ 6.0V / 3.3V
  • Supply current:<120 mA
  • Peak current:<140mA
  • Fingerprint display time:<1.0 saniye
  • Window size: 14 x 18mm
  • Search mode: (1: N)
  • Signature file: 256 bytes
  • Template files: 512 bytes
  • Storage capacity: max 200
  • Security level: Five (low high: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  • False acceptance rate (FAR):<0.001% (güvenlik seviyesi 3)
  • False rejection rate (FRR):<1.0% (güvenlik seviyesi 3)
  • Call duration:<1.0 saniye (1:500, ortalama)
  • PC interface: UART (TTL Logic level) or USB2.0 / USB1.1
  • Communication baud rate (UART): (9600 x N) where bps N = 1 ~ 12 (default value N = 6, so
  • 57600bps)
  • Working environment:
    • Temperature: -20 ℃ -50 ℃
    • Relative Humidity: 40% RH-85% RH (non-condensing)
    • Storage medium:
    • Temperature: -40 ℃ -85 ℃
    • Relative humidity:<85% H (non-yoğuşmalı)
  • Dimensions: 56 x 20 x 21.5mm

Useful Links

" ["DOCUMENT_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["WARRANTY_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["DELIVERY_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["WAREHOUSE"]=> string(14) "D1202 - İthal" ["DELIVERY_DAY"]=> string(0) "" ["IS_VIDEO_ACTIVE"]=> string(1) "0" ["NOTES"]=> string(0) "" ["TAGS"]=> array(0) { } ["IS_ORDER_NOTE_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["IS_CASH_POINT_ACTIVE"]=> bool(false) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS1"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS2"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS3"]=> string(0) "" ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS1_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS2_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["RELATED_PRODUCTS_IDS3_COUNT"]=> int(0) ["IS_POPUP_PHOTO_ACTIVE"]=> string(1) "1" ["MIN_ORDER_COUNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["COMMENT_ITEMS"]=> array(10) { [0]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Parmak izi kodu" ["author"]=> string(12) "Fatih YAZMAN" ["description"]=> string(84) "Merhaba bu sensör parmak izi kodunu yolluyor mu ? Yoksa sadece içine mi kaydediyor" ["date"]=> string(10) "1523186989" ["value"]=> string(1) "3" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [1]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(6) "ZFM 40" ["author"]=> string(11) "YAVUZ MUTLU" ["description"]=> string(233) "Parmak izi kodu yollar, parmak izi resmi kodu oluşturur, gönderilen parmak izi kodunu kayıt yapar. Kullanıcı kılavuzundaki her şeyi gerçekleştirir. [Link] bazı parmak izlerini algılamıyor. endüstriyel bir şey değil." ["date"]=> string(10) "1549306732" ["value"]=> string(1) "3" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [2]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Stok" ["author"]=> string(11) " " ["description"]=> string(29) "Ürün stoklara eklenmiştir." ["date"]=> string(10) "1552405632" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [3]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(16) "NE ZAMAN GELİR " ["author"]=> string(14) "Yasin Kahraman" ["description"]=> string(71) "Hocam acil bi ödev için lazım acaba ne zaman stokta olur tekrardan ?" ["date"]=> string(10) "1551870003" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [4]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(14) "Ürün kablosu" ["author"]=> string(15) "Mücahid KELEŞ" ["description"]=> string(45) "Ürün ile birlikte kablo gönderiyor musunuz" ["date"]=> string(10) "1553196940" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(5) "KABLO" ["author"]=> string(11) " " ["description"]=> string(43) "Paket içeriğine resimdeki kablo dahildir." ["date"]=> string(10) "1553263803" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [6]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(6) "ÜRÜN" ["author"]=> string(12) "Begüm Avcı" ["description"]=> string(107) "Ürün en erken ne zaman gelir acaba ödevim var almam lazım.En kısa zamanda bilgilendirirseniz sevinirim" ["date"]=> string(10) "1554932091" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [7]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(6) "ÜRÜN" ["author"]=> string(11) " " ["description"]=> string(136) "Ürünlerimizin stokları ortalama ayda bir yenilenmektedir. Stoklara düşünce haber ver seçeneğine tıklayarak bilgi alabilirsiniz." ["date"]=> string(10) "1554966518" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Stok Durumu" ["author"]=> string(9) "Alp KIRAY" ["description"]=> string(83) "Merhaba, ürün stoklara ne zaman gelir acaba? Proje çalışamız için lazım da." ["date"]=> string(10) "1555232439" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(17) "turkiyede bir ilk" ["author"]=> string(10) "ENES BOLAT" ["description"]=> string(73) "parmak iziyle turkiyede bir ilki yapcam insallah bekliyorum sabirsizlikla" ["date"]=> string(10) "1573239487" ["value"]=> string(1) "5" ["display_name"]=> string(1) "1" } } ["DISPLAY_GAIN"]=> bool(false) }

FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Arduino Compatible

Marka/Menşei: DirencNet
Stok Kodu : DSTK4418

1,028.16 TL + KDV
1,233.79 TL KDV Dahil
1000₺ ve üzeri kargo ücretsiz.
  • Features
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  • Comments (10)
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  • Fingerprint Reader Module - FPM10A - Arduino

    FPM10AYou can make fingerprint detection and authentication very easy with. It is generally used in safes and door lock systems. It has high power DSP chip that performs image rendering, computation, feature finding and searching. You can connect it to any micro controller or system with TTL serial connection. You can also register the new fingerprint directly. Up to 200 fingerprints can be stored in the FLASH memory on it. There is a red LED that lights up during reading, it can be checked whether it works or not.

    FPM10A Technical Specifications

    • Supply voltage: DC 3.6 ~ 6.0V / 3.3V
    • Supply current:<120 mA
    • Peak current:<140mA
    • Fingerprint display time:<1.0 saniye
    • Window size: 14 x 18mm
    • Search mode: (1: N)
    • Signature file: 256 bytes
    • Template files: 512 bytes
    • Storage capacity: max 200
    • Security level: Five (low high: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    • False acceptance rate (FAR):<0.001% (güvenlik seviyesi 3)
    • False rejection rate (FRR):<1.0% (güvenlik seviyesi 3)
    • Call duration:<1.0 saniye (1:500, ortalama)
    • PC interface: UART (TTL Logic level) or USB2.0 / USB1.1
    • Communication baud rate (UART): (9600 x N) where bps N = 1 ~ 12 (default value N = 6, so
    • 57600bps)
    • Working environment:
      • Temperature: -20 ℃ -50 ℃
      • Relative Humidity: 40% RH-85% RH (non-condensing)
      • Storage medium:
      • Temperature: -40 ℃ -85 ℃
      • Relative humidity:<85% H (non-yoğuşmalı)
    • Dimensions: 56 x 20 x 21.5mm

    Useful Links

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