AM2315 I2C Digital Output Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
AM2315 I2C interface with digital outputtemperature sensorandhumidity sensormodule includes a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a capacitive humidity sensor.
The readings include a small microcontroller and offer a simple I2C interface to read finished and calibrated output data. Particularly beautiful, this sensor excels a sensor mounted on a regular PCB, as it is in a solid case with mounting bracket.
SHT Humidity and Temperature Sensors,DHT Humidity and Temperature SensorsAccording to what, it is less affected by environmental conditions.
Connect the red wire with 5V power, black to ground, yellow wire to i2c data pin and white wire to i2c clock pin. You can't change the I2c address so you can't just change one sensor per i2c bus. Two ~ 10Kohm pullup resistors are required to connect from SDA and SCL lines to the power cable, pullup resistors are not included!
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AM2315 I2C Digital Output Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
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AM2315 I2C Digital Output Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
AM2315 I2C interface with digital outputtemperature sensorandhumidity sensormodule includes a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a capacitive humidity sensor.
The readings include a small microcontroller and offer a simple I2C interface to read finished and calibrated output data. Particularly beautiful, this sensor excels a sensor mounted on a regular PCB, as it is in a solid case with mounting bracket.
SHT Humidity and Temperature Sensors,DHT Humidity and Temperature SensorsAccording to what, it is less affected by environmental conditions.
Connect the red wire with 5V power, black to ground, yellow wire to i2c data pin and white wire to i2c clock pin. You can't change the I2c address so you can't just change one sensor per i2c bus. Two ~ 10Kohm pullup resistors are required to connect from SDA and SCL lines to the power cable, pullup resistors are not included!
- AM2315 Temperature and Humidity SensorHave you read our blog post?